Hands on: Windows 11’s redesigned File Explorer with new look, drag & drop for tabs

This year, earlier on, According to my research, Microsoft will redesign File Explorer. According to my information, this will be the most significant update since Windows 8. Microsoft is adding drag-and-drop support to tabs, a new header menu, a recommended feed, and more to Windows 11, but the interface is not changing drastically. I saw some internal documents and found references to them in Windows 11 preview builds, which formed the basis of our reporting. During a Windows Insider webcast, Microsoft hinted at a major'refresh' to File Explorer by saying the program would be migrated to the WinAppSDK framework in order to gain access to additional application programming interfaces (APIs). The Build 2023 Conference will bring together Microsoft's new, updated File Explorer was recently hinted at in a teaser refresh. We were able to get our hands on a pre-release version of the new File Explorer that looks identical to the demo at the conference, but we have no idea when the update will be released. Here is the expected update log before we dive deeper into the new File Explorer:
  • A brand-new menu bar at the top with contemporary options like a search field and a home button.
  • Improvements have been made to the search bar's speed.
  • File Explorer now features support for Microsoft 365, so you can access your 365 files right from the app.
  • A new informational sub-menu has been added to the sidebar.
  • An improved app-like feel similar to the Microsoft Photos app with the new Gallery View.
  • WinUI 3 and additional web controls in XAML.

New details pane, header design

New File Explorer update
The Windows Fan Club provided the image.
Although File Explorer has not changed significantly, there are several new user interfaces that are well worth your time. The details pane, for example, now has a sleeker design in line with the rest of Windows 11. It improves usability by showing recent activity and offering fast sharing options. The properties dialog, however, has yet to be updated with a dark mode. The Windows XP and Vista era browser-like aesthetic is back in the File Explorer interface. The address bar, previous/next buttons, up button, refresh button, and search box are all located at the very top of the interface.
Redesigned File Explorer
The Windows Fan Club provided the image.
Reversing a change made in Windows 11 Moment 2, the File Explorer controls are now located below the address bar. This relocation is a part of a larger plan to make File Explorer's UI more consistent with Windows 11's aesthetic. Major revisions are needed for the left-hand navigation bar and the preferences page. The new File Explorer has streamlined directory browsing with features like drop-down menus and Mica blur effects.
New File Explorer hands
TheWindowsFan.com Provided the Image.
The ability to move tabs between the File Explorer window and other windows is a promising new addition. You can create a new window for a selected tap and drag it back into the main window, for instance.

New Gallery View

In Windows 11, the Pictures and other folders will be displayed in a new Gallery feature. Gallery is like the Microsoft Photos app, but it only displays the most recent pictures you've taken.
Windows 11 Gallery view
The Windows Fan Club provided the image.
In addition to viewing photos from your computer, a new button in the Command Bar allows you to add photos from your mobile device. In Windows 11, the File Explorer will be redesigned to be more user-friendly, organized, and aesthetically pleasing. The release to the public should start with OS X 10.9.2 which is scheduled to hit shelves in the autumn of 2023.
Source: https://thewindowsfan.com/hands-on-windows-11s-redesigned-file-explorer-with-new-look-drag-drop-for-tabs/

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