How to fix Msvcp140_2.dll is missing error

When reading this article, you are most likely looking for the msvcp140_2.dll file or how to fix the "msvcp140_2.dll is missing" error. If the error "msvcp140_2.dll is missing" occurs, you can use one of the methods below (manual or automatic) to resolve the issue. The manual method assumes that you have downloaded the msvcp140_2.dll file and placed it inside the game/app installation directory. The next method is much easier, as it allows you to automatically correct errors with minimal effort.
“msvcp140_2.dll is missing” error
“msvcp140_2.dll is missing” error

Method 1: Download Msvcp140_2.dll file

You need to find the correct version of msvcp140_2.dll and download the file.

How to choose the right version of Msvcp140_2.dll?

First, notice if it's a 64-bit or 32-bit file, as well as the language the file uses. Choose.dll files whose language corresponds to the language of the program you are using if possible. The article also recommends that you download the latest version of the dll file for updated functions.

Where to put the Msvcp140_2.dll file?

To fix the "msvcp140_2.dll is missing" error, place the file inside the application/game installation directory. Alternatively, you can place the msvcp140_2.dll file in the Windows system directory.

How to register the Msvcp140_2.dll file

If putting the missing msvcp140_2.dll file in the appropriate directory does not resolve the issue, you will have to register the file. To do so, move your DLL file to the C:WindowsSystem32 folder and launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges. There, type "regsvr32 msvcp140_2.dll" and press Enter.

Method 2: Automatically fix the error Msvcp140_2.dll is missing

With WikiDll Fixer, you can automatically fix msvcp140_2.dll errors. The utility will not only download the correct version of msvcp140_2.dll for free and suggest the right directory to install it in, but also solve other problems related to the msvcp140_2.dll file. Step 1: Click here to download the automated tool provided by WikiDll. Step 2: Install the add-on by following the instructions. Step 3: Launch the program to fix msvcp140_2.dll and other problems.

Method 3: To restore missing.dll files, update the driver

Driver updates for the Windows operating system, as well as for network adapters, monitors, printers, etc., can be downloaded and installed independently from the Windows Update Center or by using specialized utilities.

Option 1 - Automatic device driver update

There are many tools to help automatically update drivers for computers. has compiled a list of the best alternatives. Readers who are interested can go to: The best driver update software for computers.

Option 2 - Update device drivers manually

Refer to the article: 5 basic ways to update and install drivers for your computer for more details.

Method 4: Scan your PC for malware that causes the error msvcp140_2.dll

Sometimes the msvcp140_2.dll error can occur due to malware on the computer. Malware can intentionally corrupt DLL files to replace them with its own malicious files. Therefore, the number one priority is to scan the computer for malware and remove it as soon as possible. Check out some options to find the best tool and remove all malware from your system: The top 11 antivirus programs for Windows.

Method 5: System File Checker (SFC) can be used to repair the missing Msvcp140_2.dll error

Many users are familiar with the sfc /scannow file system integrity check command, which automatically checks and repairs protected Windows system files. Refer to the article: Use the SFC scannow command to fix Windows 10 system file errors for details on how to do it.

Method 6: Fix the corrupted Msvcp140_2.dll file by performing a system restore

System Restore is useful when you want to fix msvcp140_2.dll errors. Using the System Restore function, you can choose to restore Windows to the date the msvcp140_2.dll file was not corrupted. At this point, your computer should restart normally and run with the restored version of Windows, so the msvcp140_2.dll error should be resolved. Good luck with your troubleshooting!

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