How to Fix D3dcompiler_43. dll Errors

d3dcompiler_43.dll problems are caused in one way or another by problems with Microsoft DirectX. The d3dcompiler_43.dll file is one of many included in the DirectX software collection. Since DirectX is used by most advanced graphics programs and Windows-based games, the d3dcompiler_43.dll error usually only shows up when using these programs.

Error messages for d3dcompiler_43.dll

There are many ways the d3dcompiler_43.dll error can show up on PC. Here are some common, specific messages you may see:
D3dcompiler_43.DLL Not Found
The file d3dcompiler_43.dll is missing
File d3dcompiler_43.dll not found
D3dcompiler_43.dll not found. Reinstalling might help fix this
The d3dcompiler_43.dll error may show up when a game or software program is started, or at some point during the installation process, when DirectX components are trying to update. The error message d3dcompiler_43.dll can occur for any program that uses Microsoft DirectX, such as AutoDesk 3ds Max, MonoGame, and many others, but it is usually associated with video games.
The d3dcompiler_43.dll error message can occur for any program that uses Microsoft DirectX.
The d3dcompiler_43.dll error message can occur for any program that uses Microsoft DirectX
"Grand Theft Auto", "Chivalry: Medieval Warfare", "Sniper: Ghost Shooter", "Far Cry Primal", "Battlefield", "Need for Speed", "MechWarrior Online (MWO)" and "The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind" are just a few examples of video games where the d3dcompiler_43.dll error message appears. Any Microsoft operating system since Windows 98 can be affected by d3dcompiler_43.dll and other DirectX issues, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.

How to Repair d3dcompiler_43.dll Error

Note: Do not download the d3dcompiler_43.dll DLL file from any DLL download site. There are a number of reasons why downloading DLLs from these sites is not a good idea. If you downloaded d3dcompiler_43.dll from one of those DLL download sites, remove it and continue with the following steps. 1. Restart your computer if you haven't already done so. The d3dcompiler_43.dll error can be a minor one, and since rebooting is a common fix for many computer problems, it can completely clear this DLL error. 2. Install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX. Maybe upgrading to the latest version of DirectX will fix the "d3dcompiler_43.dll not found" error, if not, try Runtimes DirectX End-User Runtimes instead. Note: Microsoft often releases updates for DirectX without updating the version number or letter, so be sure to install the latest release. The same DirectX installer works with all versions of Windows, including Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, and more. It will replace any missing DirectX 11, DirectX 10, or DirectX 9 files. any.
  • How to check the DirectX version on Windows
3. Assuming the latest version of Microsoft's DirectX doesn't fix the d3dcompiler_43.dll error you're experiencing, look for a DirectX installer on the DVD or CD for the app or game. Usually, if a game or other program uses DirectX, the software developers will include a copy of DirectX on the installation disc. Sometimes, the version of DirectX included on the disc is more suitable for the program than the latest version available online. 4. Uninstall the game or software program and then reinstall it. Something might have happened to the files in the program that worked with d3dcompiler_43.dll, and reinstalling might help. Tip: If this doesn't work, it is possible that not all program files were actually deleted or that some registry entries related to the DLL file are still present and that is the cause of the error even after installation. software reset. Try again with the free uninstall tool and see if that fixes the d3dcompiler_43.dll error message. 5. Restore the d3dcompiler_43.dll file from the latest DirectX software package. If the troubleshooting steps above do not resolve the d3dcompiler_43.dll error, try extracting the d3dcompiler_43 DLL file from the DirectX download package. 6. Update your video card's driver. Although this is not the most common solution, in some cases updating the video card driver on the computer can resolve the DirectX issue.

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